Auto Repair Shops Pollution

In many communities, auto repair shops represent the largest generators of hazardous waste among small businesses. These repair shops have the potential to generate pollution in the vicinity due to the following main activities:

The main categories of auto shop pollution and associated individual chemicals/pollutants include, but it is not limited, to:

Auto Repair Pollution Solvents

Auto repair pollution solvents – these are organic solvents used in degreasing/cleaning operations. These are volatile compounds (they transition from a liquid into a gaseous phase under normal temperature and pressure). Examples of such organic solvents are:

Auto Shop Pollution Fluids

Auto shop pollution fluids – include the used replaced engine oil, transmission and brake fluids. These fluids are oil based (organic chemicals such as motor oil or hydraulic oil composed of a mixture of hydrocarbons with elevated boiling point and known under the generic name of heavy petroleum distillates) and may contain a series of toxic heavy metals. The heavy metals usually leak in the auto fluids from a series of parts (such as welds, radiators or other engine components) during normal vehicle operation. Thus concrete contaminants associated with auto pollution fluids include:

Auto Repair Pollution Antifreeze

Auto repair pollution antifreeze – is represented by the coolant fluids, which contain:

Auto Repair Pollution Washers

Auto repair pollution washers – is generated through washing cars and auto parts. The washing fluid (usually water) contains:

Auto Repair Pollution Refrigerants

Auto repair pollution refrigerants - refrigerants used in air conditioning systems consists mainly in:

Auto Shop Pollution Paints

Auto shop pollution paints – the auto paints contain a series of organic solvents, of which commonly used is:

Auto Repair Pollution Rags

Auto repair pollution rags – their improper environmental disposal/storage may result in pollution of the surrounding environment. These rugs usually are contaminated with:

Old Replaced Auto Battery Pollution

Old replaced auto battery pollution – split or broken batteries constitute an environment hazard and should be handled as hazardous waste. This is due to their content of:

Auto Repair Pollution Losses

Auto repair pollution losses – last but not least, spills and leaks may occur during the repair work or normal storage of cleaning solvents, paints, engine fluids, etc.